Using CarPlay in SwiftUI Lifecycle: Solving CarPlay Template Application Methods Missing Error

Using CarPlay in SwiftUI Lifecycle: Solving CarPlay Template Application Methods Missing Error

Currently, most tutorials for Carplay, including the official documentation, primarily implement it through SceneDelegate. According to the documentation, we define SceneDelegate and Info.plist and use SceneDelegate to provide the required CPTemplateApplicationScene for Carplay. However, if your application is a native SwiftUI application using the SwiftUI Lifecycle (SwiftUI.App), running it often results in the following error:

Thread 1: "Application does not implement CarPlay template application lifecycle methods in its scene delegate."

Even if we have correctly implemented the related methods in SceneDelegate, the error still appears, as if SceneDelegate is not in effect.

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First Hands-on Experience with Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode

First Hands-on Experience with Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode

Recently, Docker released the official version 1.12, introducing several new features, including the official version of Docker Native. One significant update is the addition of Swarm Mode, providing native cluster support. I tried it as soon as possible and am writing this blog post to record my experience. It’s important to note that despite the similar names, Swarm Mode and Docker Swarm are not the same thing and are not seamlessly compatible. Their main differences are:

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Hybrid Properties and Methods in SQLAlchemy: hybrid_property and hybrid_method

Hybrid Properties and Methods in SQLAlchemy: hybrid_property and hybrid_method

SQLAlchemy provides many ORM functionality extensions in its sqlalchemy.ext library. Today, we’re going to introduce the very powerful Hybrid Attributes feature.

This article’s code examples use Flask-SQLAlchemy for illustration. The differences with native SQLAlchemy are minor, mainly:

  • db.Model is roughly equivalent to sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base
  • Model.query is roughly equivalent to db.session.query(Model)

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Inheritance in SQLAlchemy

Inheritance in SQLAlchemy

SQLAlchemy is one of the commonly used ORMs in Python. Although it has a steeper learning curve compared to other ORMs like Django ORM or Peewee, it offers a wealth of advanced and flexible features. This article will discuss model inheritance.

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About Me

Having my own product was an ideal when I first started working, but for various reasons, it was not realized. After working for over a decade, transitioning from development to architecture and then to management, I have experienced a lot. However, I have gradually lost my passion for my current position, and now it seems to be the right time to leave and start anew.

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