Common Development Tool Sources and Chinese Mirrors

Common Development Tool Sources and Chinese Mirrors

Due to well-known reasons, accessing foreign websites has always been slow in China, and many package management software used in development access foreign sources, often frustratingly slow. This post collects some commonly used mirrors for reference.

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Compiling Static Files with docker-compose

Compiling Static Files with docker-compose

Many projects require the execution of various tool commands during deployment, such as compressing static files with gulp/grunt, and compiling with compass, These tools may encounter some difficulties during Docker deployment because usually, a single image only contains one service. Some people use integrated images, and others choose to apt-get update && apt-get install the relevant environments, but this requires writing complex Dockerfiles, significantly prolongs the build time, and bloats the single image, which is not very Docker-like. We can simplify this process using the volumes_from parameter of docker-compose

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It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog. The original blog was built four or five years ago, written with Wordpress, and looking back now, it contains a lot of naive content. After starting work, I basically did not maintain it much. I’ve always wanted to start writing something again. The original plan was to redo the entire blog, implement an entire sophisticated framework, and maybe open source it, but after several attempts, it ended up abandoned. Now I’ve come to realize, a tech blog doesn’t need too much flamboyance. Just faithfully recording is enough.

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About Me

Having my own product was an ideal when I first started working, but for various reasons, it was not realized. After working for over a decade, transitioning from development to architecture and then to management, I have experienced a lot. However, I have gradually lost my passion for my current position, and now it seems to be the right time to leave and start anew.

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